Monday, February 09, 2009

Physical Training

Every now and then I get an overwhelming nostalgic feeling and miss the Navy. Tonight the feeling came to me while I was walking on a treadmill during one of my 3 times a week workout. I know it's strange...but, some of my fondness memories are when a group of us would gather either before work (6:00 AM [the Navy always has to do stuff before dawn]) or during the afternoon and run physical training. I was never athletic and the run was always a challenge for me, but there were shipmates who stepped up and provided me with motivation and encouragement. Tonight I thought of Ralph, Ray, CDR R., CDR H., Tony, Lisa and others who ran with me.

Strange how time deals with memories - at the time I swore I hated every step of the run, but looking back - it wasn't too bad and the commaraderie made the memory. Thanks all...

PS I've been on the workout plan for 4 weeks and it is getting easier, I have lost 5 lbs and am close to dropping down a waist size...


photowannabe said...

Congratulations on your weight loss. I guess I will have to join Curves or a gym to get this extra stuff off me. Hate it ... I just an't seem to do it on my own.
I do hope it doesn't flood where you are.

Les Barr said...

I, also, have many memories of the US Navy, but it's not the PT. We didn't have much of that stuff aboard a Destroyer. Back in the middle 60's not much of that existed that I knew of. We have a Treadmill, but it does not work well. Looking into getting a new one or this one repaired. - Les