Monday, March 01, 2021
Administrative Assistant
Keely, our cat, is busy fulfilling her duties as an Administrative Assistant. She is concentrating on assisting me to complete a proofreading project.
Posted by Robert Hill at 8:40 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 18, 2020
Getting Colder
Posted by Robert Hill at 8:57 AM 0 comments
Combining Corn
Posted by Robert Hill at 8:50 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 10, 2020
Matching Trees
I was trying to get a photograph of pelicans along the Mississippi River and wasn't having any success. They were just out of range of my 500mm lens. However, when I turned around the real picture was behind me. The matching trees.
Posted by Robert Hill at 3:20 PM 0 comments
Mississippi Palisades State Park
Posted by Robert Hill at 3:12 PM 0 comments
Right Place Right Time
On our way to Cedar Rapids, I saw this combine working to bring in the beans. I just had to have the photo so pulled over (just happened to have my camera and a long lens) and took this shot. Right place, right time.
Posted by Robert Hill at 3:07 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Posted by Robert Hill at 9:23 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Old Barn
Posted by Robert Hill at 6:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: old barn
Sunday, June 09, 2019
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Friday, May 10, 2019
Left Over Wedding Guest
Posted by Robert Hill at 10:46 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 09, 2019
Birds Singing A Song
Birds alive and singing a song.
Posted by Robert Hill at 9:20 AM 0 comments
Labels: birds singjng a song, rallenhill
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
New Web Banner
Posted by Robert Hill at 4:42 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 13, 2018
I retired from my credit union job on the 2nd of January 2018. I find myself beginning a new adventure - retired. Although I'm retired from the credit union job I am still doing photography and writing projects and working on the at home projects that have often been ignored. It seems we have a basement filled with projects.
I have also discovered that a chunk of my "social calendar" is being spent with doctors and dentists. I am thankful for great insurance.
It is my goal to do more blogging and posting of photographs but will likely take me a month or two to acclimate.
Posted by Robert Hill at 8:02 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 03, 2014
Our newest Grandson, Joseph James Gallagher is being baptized today. We seem to be a bit Early - I grew up in the Navy and where if you were 15 minutes early you were already 15 minutes late.
Posted by Robert Hill at 10:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: Lakeville Catholic Church
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Mothers Advice
I know that most of us when our Mothers told us something when we were teenagers, probably didn't take the advice. Perhaps we filed her advice away in some distant place in our brain.
My Mothers advice found its way to the top of my mind last week. I am working on a credit card promotion for the credit union I work for, and part of the promotion is to encourage everyone to be aware of opportunities to ask people if they would be interested in one of our credit cards.
The memory of what my Mother told me when I was about 14 came rushing to the surface, "You know that they're going to say either yes, or no. If you know that NO may be the answer and are prepared for it, then ask the question. If you don't ask the question, the answer will always be no."
How many times have we been to shy to ask some one for something? I find myself failing to ask the question - not as frequently as in the past. But, I am prepared for no, and you know what? Yes is quite frequently the answer. So - go ahead and ask!
Posted by Robert Hill at 10:08 AM 0 comments
Labels: iowa, Iowa Falls, mothers advice, red rooster
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Steve Jobs Movie
Waiting for a matinee movie to start - the Steve Jobs Movie. So far we're the only ones here. Gee just like a huge movie room at home - not!!
Posted by Robert Hill at 12:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: Steve Jobs Movie
Saturday, July 06, 2013
Proud To Be From Iowa
Posted by Robert Hill at 8:09 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 19, 2013
Pressure Cooker Registration
Posted by Robert Hill at 8:35 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 14, 2011
Train Travel
I just received a MMS Photo of a picture of their berth in the sleeping car. A couple of minutes later I received another picture stating "this" is our room.
Curiosity got the better of me so I called...It seems that she was in someone else's room and after she took the picture she rang for the porter and asked about their luggage - like where was it?
Her luggage was in her berth - in the next car...
Posted by Robert Hill at 8:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: wrong room
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
The Toilet
![]() |
Old Throne |
Posted by Robert Hill at 12:40 AM 3 comments
Labels: stewardship, toilet
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Early Bird Gets The Worm
Posted by Robert Hill at 7:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: early bird
Friday, September 17, 2010
The Last Thing You Want...
I was making a trip from Waterloo, Iowa to Ankeny, Iowa and as is typical - I waited until the last moment to take a potty break. The LAST THING I needed to see was a bus, filled with football players pull in just ahead of me... One of the few times I encountered a line into the men's room. The line was sooooo long I was contemplating a tree...
Posted by Robert Hill at 10:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: potty stop
Friday, September 03, 2010
Iowa Back Roads
A friend of mine turned me on to this site -CLICK Here for Iowa Backroads - a photo a day from Iowa's back roads or click on the orange title of this post. Worth a visit (the site and Iowa)!!
Posted by Robert Hill at 10:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: Iowa Back Roads
Friday, August 20, 2010
Fountain Prank
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Fountain in Cedar Rapids |
Posted by Robert Hill at 11:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: bubble bath
Sunday, August 08, 2010
Kids Say The Funniest Things
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Looking for Lunch |
Posted by Robert Hill at 7:22 AM 1 comments
Labels: snake demonstration
Monday, June 14, 2010
A Day In An ER
Posted by Robert Hill at 9:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: a day in the er, emergency room, nurses rule
Monday, May 31, 2010
Memorial Day 2010
Posted by Robert Hill at 10:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: Boondocks USA, George Hill, Memory Day
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Silly Sign
Posted by Robert Hill at 6:51 AM 0 comments
Labels: dumb sign, H1N1, silly sign, stupid sign
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Snake Vs Mouse
This story is to good not to repeat - my youngest daughter is visiting from Minnesota and told us about a friend of hers who has a pet snake. Her friend had been feeding the snake "freeze-dried" mice for it's meals, but suddenly one day the snake stopped eating them. After several days she took the snake to the vet and the vet told her she would have to switch to live mice.
Being a bit on the squeamish side she didn't want to witness the mouse's demise so she turned out all the lights and went to bed. In the middle of the night she heard a racket and banging in the living room. When she went to check out the noise she discovered it was her snake banging it's head against the cage frantically trying to get out of the seems that the mouse had a grip on the snakes tail and was eating it like corn on the cob. She said the mouse ate all the way to the spine. She quickly dispatched the mouse and took the snake to the vet the following morning. It seems that this not unique behavior on the part of the mouse or the snake. The vet told her she had to give the snake a benadine wash to keep the wound from becoming infected. So...she prepared the solution in a tub of water and dropped the snake in.... What she did not realize was that the variety of snake she owned did not know how to swim so the snake was thrashing around and drowning. By the time she got the snake out it was limp - not dead - but, exhausted from being nearly eaten to death and then drowned.
She ended up putting a compress on every day and the snake got over his refusal to eat "freeze dried" mice. He probably didn't want to face another snake eating mouse. To ll seems fair that occasionally the mice get to eat the snake!!
Posted by Robert Hill at 11:45 PM 2 comments
Labels: snake eating mouse
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
I am currently experimenting with Wordpress as a publishing option and have “sucked in” two of my Blogs - “Windmills of my Minds” and My Daily Project 365. Take a look and sign in to keep updated... PHOTOSBYRALLENHILL. There is a META box on the bottom right hand side where the first option is Register. It allows you to comment, and I believe get email updates - more on that later...
Posted by Robert Hill at 8:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: photosbyrallenhill, rallenhill, windmills of my miind, wordpress
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Cast In His First Production
Daniel Mason, my newest grandson, has been cast in his 1st theatre production. He was born on the 7th of November and has been cast as the "baby Jesus" in a live Nativity in Corraville, Iowa. It will be fun to watch him grow and see what he becomes...the other 6 grandchildren provide as much entertainment and keep us guessing. We may have musicians, scientists, inventors, gymnists, artists - who knows? It's fun to watch...
Posted by Robert Hill at 11:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: 1st theatre production
Friday, November 27, 2009
I apologize for the new Comment Controls on this blog, but I have been getting spammed by a Japanese Porn Site. I removed the post it was consistently appearing on (in excess of 50 times) and have instituted a new comment process where after you use the "funky" word thing I will have to approve the comments before they appear. I will delete all Japanese Porn messages!!!
Posted by Robert Hill at 9:01 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Virginia Harlan Myers Hill
July 13, 1915 to October 22, 2009
I had to attend a credit union meeting in Des Moines today and on the way home I felt an over-whelming urge to stop in Iowa Falls. We had put my mother in Hospice a couple of weeks ago, and as I was returning to Waterloo this afternoon I wasn’t going to stop in Iowa Falls because I had a board meeting to attend – but I felt compelled to stop.
When I arrived at the nursing home I could tell that my mother was in her final stages. I sat with her about 10 minutes and at the encouragement of my youngest daughter (via phone) I took her hand and told my mom it was ok to go. I told her to make sure to say hi to Uncle Oliver (he died 2 weeks ago), to Dad and to Jesus...she took one more breath and was gone.
I believe 4 things (1) there was Divine Intervention in my urge to visit Iowa Falls, (2) my Mother was waiting for me to tell her it was ok to go, (3) there was a flock of people waiting to meet her in heaven and (4) my last words to her were, “Say hi to Jesus.” And she promptly delivered the message.
It’s been a long week and a very long day. We will be having her services on October 31st – yes, Halloween. It’s All Saints Day plus my mother loved to dress up for Halloween – when I was younger I sometimes think she enjoyed Halloween more than the kids. So – next week remember Virginia when the Goblins come calln’ at your of those ghosts - you never know...
Posted by Robert Hill at 10:05 PM 2 comments
Labels: Virginia Harlan Myers Hill
Monday, October 12, 2009
Right Baby
My Uncle Oliver passed away a week ago. He was 89 years old. He had been doing some yard work and had bumped a wasp nest and they subsequently stung him over 40 times.
He went to the hospital and because of the stress caused by the wasps he had a heart attack and passed shortly thereafter. The funeral was held Saturday, October 10th, 2009. He was not the first Uncle or Aunt to pass, but it is the first time in quite some time that all of the 1st cousins have been together and it was great catching up on 40 some years. The picture is where we are waiting to have our picture taken.
So, what does that all that have to do with "Right Baby"? When I was young I had 2 dolls and I had called one "Right Baby" and the other one had come to be called "Wrong Baby". Ann, one of my cousins, remembered those dolls, as they had once been hers (something I just learned) and asked me, "Bobby, why did you called one of those dolls "Right Baby" and the other one "Wrong Baby"?
"Did you love one more than the other?"
It seems she had thought about this every once in awhile over the last 40 years. Ann and her sister Judy Lee frequently took care of me when I was little. Their Mother, Aunt Mildred, kept me supplied in comic books. I was a sickly kid and spent a good portion of the 4th grade in and out of the hospital. Aunt Mildred would visit me frequently, especially when my Mother couldn't get into town. And ever time she came she came loaded with comic books and I guess at some point in time the "Babies" came into my possession. Both babies did well and I loved them both the same.
"No, Ann, that wasn't it at all. I was sick one day and threw up on one of the dolls and she started to smell so I called her "Wrong Baby". It didn't matter how much my mother cleaned the doll she still carried that stigma [and smell] of puke with her. I ostrazied her and made her sleep at the foot of the bed and when all of the other dolls and stuffed animals were having a party she was never invited. She had to sleep at the foot of the bed."
"Oh..." Ann seemed a bit disappointed, but was glad the mystery had been solved for her.
I still have "Right Baby", "Wrong Baby" has long since passed.
"Right Baby" is the ugliest doll I have ever seen and she curretly resides in a box with her head wrapped in plastic (her head started to melt several years ago). I won't be taking her picture as I want to remember her as she was before her head started to melt.
Posted by Robert Hill at 7:58 AM 1 comments
Labels: right baby, wrong baby
Sunday, September 27, 2009
I was speechless and flabbergasted last night. I was at Target and had to by some canned air to dust off my keyboards and screens. Upon check-out the girl asks, "May I see your ID Please?"
"My ID?," I ask, "For what?"
"The air, sir."
"The air. You're kidding right?"
"No, sir, I need to see your ID.
She then made me take my license out of my billfold, she looked at it and then scanned it into their system.
Still speechless (or at least nearly), I managed to ask her what this is all about. It seems that people buy air to get high and that the state law enforcement authorities track those who buy air to make sure they are not buying an exorbitant amount.
I have never heard of such a thing. I have for meth ingredients, but air? How do you get high on air? Can't you just take a deep breath and be high on life? I don't get it...
So, what about the air hose at the gas station? Do people addicted to air sneak into the station in the middle of the night and stuff the hose up their nose? I don't think I have ever read about anyone busted for possesson of air?
Posted by Robert Hill at 7:34 AM 2 comments
Labels: addicted to air, air, carded
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Solution to Health Care
Bicker...bicker...bicker...that's all I hear about health care reform. They said, he said, she said...bicker...bicker...bicker.
In his morning homily today our priest suggested that the health care debate could be settled by the teaching, "..the last shall be first and the first shall be last." I have thought about what he suggested all day and that is if the voters could (sadly we cannot), vote to suspend all of the Senators and Representatives Health Care Plans they could experience life without health insurance. It just might be an impetus for them to move faster. It seems alot of them are getting up there in years and are probably taking a ton of medication for a variety of ailments. If they had to worry about how to pay the bill, perhaps their sense of urgency would be faster.
The congress should listen to the adage, "...walk a mile in my mocassions...". They should visit a Walmart, or a Walgreens pharmacy and observe the people who have to make a choice - do I eat or do I buy medicine? I've witnessed an elderly man choose - eat, because he couldn't pay the cost of the prescription.
Perhaps the congress should also visit an emergency room and observe all of the people who use these facilities as their "primary" caregiver, because they do not have insurance. Stop the line of people who are testifying before comittee, after committee and go out and stand in line in an emergency room.
Both the Republicans and Democrats agree that something needs to be done. However, (isn't there always a however?) each party is so busy "defending" their point of view that they are not aware of the people who have very real medical insurance needs.
My message to the Congress - don't use your health care plan until you come up with a plan for everyone. Plus, each member of congress should go to an ER on a Friday night and sit and watch. Dress down so no one knows who you are and just watch.
As my grandmother used to say to me, "Come now, get busy!!"
Posted by Robert Hill at 7:43 PM 2 comments
Labels: solution to health care
Saturday, September 12, 2009
I had dinner this evening in a Boston's Restaurant in Coralville, Iowa. While I was in the restroom (a nice remodeled restroom) I noticed that someone had scrated their initials into the top if the urinal. I guess I have a couple of questions: (1) Why? and, (2) What were they thinking - that they'd gain some sort of urinal fame? Well, Mr. SU and Mr. MR you have found fame on the internet...
Posted by Robert Hill at 9:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: urinal fame
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Minnesota Rude
I've been attending the Minnesota State Fair for years and have always been impressed with "Minnesota Nice". This year, however, was "Minnesota Rude". I was pushed, pulled, bumped, prodded, and cursed at. Perhaps the economy and national health care debate has everyone on edge and grouchy - but, hey, no need to be rude. Being nice is easier
Posted by Robert Hill at 7:27 AM 0 comments
Labels: minnesota rude
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Plain Cheese Burger
Be careful when you order a plain cheesburger at Wendy's. My wife ordered a plain cheesburger, "Plain cheeseburger, just bread meat and cheese. And a diet coke please."
I sure don't know what the cook was thinking when he made a "plain" CHEESEburger without the cheese...? Am I wrong - doesn't that make it a plain hamburger?
Posted by Robert Hill at 10:18 PM 2 comments
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Successful Class Reunion
We had a great 40th Reunion July 3-5 filled with a lot of activities. We started Friday with a sit down dinner, followed by a dance that broke up at 1:00 AM Saturday (it nearly killed me to stay up so late). There was a Silent Auction where posters and mementos from the the 60s were auctioned and we raised nearly $2,000 for our Memorial Arboretum Project.
On Saturday we had a memorial service in memory of our 14 fallen classmates which touched the hearts of everyone who attended. There was not a dry eye in the place. I heard the service described as the "heart and Soul" of our reunion.
We had lunch at the Princess Cafe in downtown Iowa Falls, took a walking tour from the Old High school to downtown, and toured the new museum housed in the old Carnegie library. We then had a wine and cheese tasting party follwed by viewing the Iowa Falls fireworks from the best place on the river.
Sunday morning we took a cruise on the Iowa River enjoying a great view with perfect weather. After the cruise we had a picnic in Foster Park where again we ate and had a chance to visit with our classmates.
Our next reunion is in 5 years and it will probably take me that long to recover...
Posted by Robert Hill at 7:27 AM 2 comments
Thursday, July 02, 2009
40th Reunion
My 40th Class Reunion is coming up this weekend and somewhere between the 35th Reunion and now I managed to find myself on the defacto planning committee. It has been a great experience. The committee has grown close over the last 2 years and while we knew each other in high school, we were not close. We are now close.
During our planning stages what has surprised me the most are the grudges and hidden feelings some of our fellow classmates still carry after 40 years. I've got to say - we are not the same people we were 40 years ago, we have grown, and we have cool stories to tell.
During our planning an idea was floated that we should do something to remember our deceased classmates. The short version is that after discussing and cussing several ideas we ended up arranging a sponsorship of a walking Arboretum at the Calkins Nature Center in Iowa Falls. The Hardin County Conservation people picked out and planted and will care for our trees. It will be designed so that over time all of our 159 classmates will have a memorial tree - a living tribute to the memory of the Iowa Falls Class of 1969.The response from families has been nothing short of amazing and we expect a large attendance on Saturday morning as we remember our classmates. I'll probably be an emotional wreck.
One short story here - we have been soliciting donations from the class and have been successful in raising funds (need to raise more funds so that number 159 has a tree) but people are giving from their heart. One of our classmates who is down on their luck, has been saving money so that they could give. He who had little - gave much -
So, what does that have to do with the photograph? We are staying with one of the committee members in Clear Lake making our final battle plans - and this was the view last night. I'll have additional observations so stayed tuned...
Posted by Robert Hill at 7:39 AM 1 comments
Labels: 40th reunion, clear lake, IFHS Class of 69, iowa
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
We went to a picnic a couple of weeks ago and I caught this moment where a Grandpa is explaining the finer points of throwing a football to his Grandson. I'm envious of the moment (from the grandson point of view) because when I was growing up I did not have a Grandpa that was capable of passing along his "secrets". My Grandpa on my Father's side was long gone before I was born and my Mother's father was either unwilling or unable to relate to a child.
I have a few memories of my grandfather - the smell of tobacco from his pipe, the fact that he had lost 2 fingers on the farm - and that he didn't talk much.
Grandmothers on the other hand - taught me alot - not one of them showed me how to throw a football, but if I ever need to darn a sock - I'm there!!!
Posted by Robert Hill at 7:03 AM 0 comments
Labels: darn a sock, football, grandparents, secrets
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Ye Olde Drug Store
This building is in Williams, Iowa. Up the street from here is the Methodist church where I attended as a kid. The building is currently a small store, has a few groceries, has a few antiques, plus you can buy ice cream (that much hasn't changed in 40 years).
I have a vivid memory of getting in trouble here when I was 5 or 6. I had been fussy in church and my grandmother brought me here and bought me an ice cream cone. Now, the lesson she taught me was that if I don't want to sit in church, all I have to do is be fussy and I'll get to leave and get a treat. Lesson learned...
The following week I tried out what I had learned from my grandmother on my mother... well, the getting out of church part worked, but as soon as we hit the outdoors - SWAT on my behinder!!! New lesson learned - you can get away with more with grandmothers than mothers...
Posted by Robert Hill at 7:29 AM 2 comments
Labels: drug store, iowa, williams
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
A Memorable Moment
Her email did spark a memory regarding Pearl Harbor. Most of the time I spent in the Navy was in the Continental United States and during the first part of my career on 3 cruises to the Mediterranean. It wasn’t until my last tour when I was serving as the Command Master Chief of a Recruiting Detachment in Alameda did I make a trip to Hawaii.
I was there visiting the recruiters and made it a point to visit the U.S.S. Arizona. A commander I once worked for had an uncle entombed in the Arizona and I promised him I would pay my respects. I went with the local supervisor, a Chief Petty Officer, and we were both in our summer whites (quite a spiffy uniform)... at any rate, as we were getting off the launch after having visited the memorial a young Japanese girl, probably 10 or 12, asked if she could have her picture taken with us. We agreed and she gave her camera to her mother and stood between us and smiled... when they were finished they thanked us by bowing and said something in Japanese that we couldn’t understand, but the smiles told us they were appreciative.
As we started to leave we discovered a line, a very long line, of Japanese tourists who wanted their picture taken with 2 U. S. Sailors. We couldn’t say no to any of them and we stood there for what felt like 2 hours having our picture taken. We didn't leave until the last picture was taken. It was a moving and memorable moment...
Posted by Robert Hill at 11:16 PM 3 comments
Labels: Japanese, Master chief, Navy, Pearl Harbor
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Not An Eagle
I have been obsessed the last several months with getting a picture of an eagle and I learned recently that there may be some eagles hanging out at the Cedar Falls power plant. So off we went - When we got to the power plant I was almost "giddy" because as I looked up I saw what I thought were eagles just hanging out, sitting on a rail and visiting..., but when I zoomed in I noticed red on their heads and kind of a crooked neck - they're not eagles. I believe they are a turkey vulture of some sort...

A beautiful sky...
Posted by Robert Hill at 7:45 AM 3 comments
Labels: cedar falls, Cedar River, Eagle, iowa, Not An Eagle